Students highlight trans+ people's and women's exclusion in healthcare in the Takeover Space

404 Papers Not Found is a new exhibition of collaborative artworks created by students from King’s College London’s King’s LGBTQ+ Society and Womxn in Bioscience Society. Running through LGBTQ+ History Month in February and Women’s History Month in March, the displays aim to raise awareness of women’s and trans+ people’s exclusion in healthcare.  

From the hidden contributions of pioneering women in science to the current battle for access to trans+ inclusive healthcare, the exhibition highlights historical and present-day examples of trans+ people’s and women’s exclusion through zines and timelines created with artist Lu Williams, founder of Grrrl Zine Fair

The exhibition is the first display in Science Gallery London’s Takeover Space. Formerly known as The Living Room, this is a space on our ground floor where our community of students, researchers, artists and local people can platform and share their ideas.

Speaking about the exhibition, Alex Cramp and Ali Gibson of the LGBTQ+ Society said:

“We took this as an opportunity to expose how the UK healthcare system fails Trans+ people and imagine a more inclusive future. This inspired us to demand change here at King’s, with a campaign calling for better trans+ healthcare education.”   

Marleigh Smith and Hanh Nguyen of Womxn in Bioscience Society said,

“KCLSU Womxn in Bioscience always strive for the inclusion of womxn in the sciences, and this can't be done without recognizing the lost voices from the past. Through this exhibition, we hope to amplify those echoes and bring them back to life.”   

404 Papers Not Found culminates with a Celebration Event on Wednesday 20 March at 7pm, where you can enjoy the exhibition and meet the students behind the displays. Free tickets are available here.