
What do you think industrial farming feels like for pigs? 

This zine is a collection of creative proposals, art interventions and writings from researchers and artists, it invites us to reflect on the lives of industrially farmed pigs. Advocating for stronger alliances between humans and non-human animals, re:pig encourages us to collectively reimagine the meat production industry to prioritise empathy and kinship.  

re:pig includes contributions from King’s researcher Christine Barnes (Geography), artists Felix Klee, Luigi Honorat and Harun Morrison, activist - campaigner Hannah Davey and creative producer Mary Jane Edwards. 

 Naho Matsuda is an artist based in London and Munich. Her practice often involves local people, public places or the natural environment. Naho examines and constructs alternative narratives of social and cultural structures and is interested in the blurring boundaries of language and the technologies we use to communicate with.  

She works with installations, print, drawings and video and has exhibited internationally including: SXSW in Austin TX, You & AI with Onassis Foundation in Athens GR, Qatar British Festival with the British Council in Doha QA, Great Exhibition of the North in Newcastle UK. 

Ekaterina Gladkova is an assistant professor in sociology and green (environmental) criminology. She is interested in critical understandings of interrelations/interconnections between human and more-than-human in contexts of food production and beyond.  

Her research expertise includes: interdisciplinary understandings of food production and consumption, with a particular focus on industrial farming, industrially farmed animals, environmental, ecological and multispecies justice.