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Dementia Journeys: Photography, Research and Palliative Care

  • Science Gallery London Great Maze Pond London, England, SE1 United Kingdom (map)

Join award-winning photographer Allie Crewe, the two-times recipient of the British Portrait Artist of the year award and photographer behind the striking portraits that feature in Dementia Journeys, and Professor Catherine Evans, Professor of Palliative Care at King’s College London, for an informal lunchtime Q&A at which audiences can learn more about the art, ideas and research behind the latest exhibition at Science Gallery London, Dementia Journeys: Towards Better End of Life Care.  

This event is taking place in Gallery 2.


Empowering Better End of Life Dementia Care (EMBED-Care) - Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)ESRC/NIHR dementia initiative 2018, Grant/Award Number: ES/S010327/1 for the EMBED-Care Programme & Seedcorn funding from King’s College London.

Read more about EMBED-Care Programme

Read a feature in our new zine, A Reality Near You

Earlier Event: 10 June
Bat Night Market
Later Event: 18 June
Careful Whisper