Blood Equality highlights the US and UK legislation around blood donation from sexually active gay, bisexual and transgender people. Regulations state that these groups must be celibate for a number of months before donating. Eagles’ asserts that this reflects stigma not science. The panels on overhead projectors are covered in the images of blood donated by people who fall into this category. Step into their blood, a donation that could have been used medically, defining a selfless act – giving blood to someone in need.

Blood Equality is made possible by FCB Health and GMHC in partnership with Blood Mirror project.

Ahead of the BLOOD: Life Uncut installation of Blood Equality, Jordan connected with Dr Scott Vrecko. Scott is a sociologist at King’s College London whose research explores the political and cultural dynamics of medicine, health and illness, particularly as these relate to processes of medicalization and social control. Scott is also currently developing a new programme of research that focuses on sexuality and ‘sociomedical exclusion,’ which will further examine connections between health, medicine and the social and cultural marginalisation of sexual minorities. For example, he will be examining the relationship between homophobia, discrimination and UK blood donation policies that affect gay men, and will also be exploring the difficulties that transgendered persons experience when attempting to access fair and adequate medical treatment.

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