Highlights hope, resilience, and the power of imagination in tackling ecological and social challenges
— Flo London

VITAL SIGNS: another world is possible | Exhibition open: Wed - Sat 11am - 6pm | Free exhibition and events | Visit us.

Brimming with original works from artists and researchers, Vital Signs shares the many ways people are shaping liveable and hopeful futures, here in London and around the world. Confronting environmental injustices, from air pollution to the rights of the ocean and the impact of our waste, Vital Signs explores the differences we could all make, if we viewed the planet’s health as an extension of our own.


Science Gallery London is opposite the Shard and just steps away from London Bridge Station.


All our exhibition and events are free.

Places our own actions as both problem and the solution, and encourages us to think of our impact on the world
— Forbes.com


Credits: Full list of credits are here.

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